WRAP | R2: Under 20’s v Hume City

Report by Coach Ted Latomanski


Our first win of the season.

Our Under 20’s performance was exceptional against a well organised Hume City, who tested us from the outset. 

Two goals from Waleed Flifel and a single from Daniel Radenkiovic led us to our 3-2 victory.

It was pleasing to see how we created three team goals through a demonstration of selflessness and team spirit.

Up 2-0 at half time, we went ahead 3-0 seconds into the second half.

Hume managed to respond, shortening the margin to 3-2.

However, the boys controlled  the last 20 minutes like professionals to see out the well deserved victory.

We play Avondale at home on Saturday and we expect a tough encounter.

Get down and support the boys this weekend.